In the Ingushetia Republic a family of a Russian teacher, already the second in the last two months was shot to death. The murder took place in the Karabulak village in the early hours of Friday. A group of unknown people broke into the house 55 Lenin street, where the family of Vera Draganchuk lived and shot from machine-guns her husband and two sons of 20 and 24 years old. The husband and one of the sons, who was an invalid of the first category, died immediately. Another son, a student, was taken to a hospital where he lately died. Vera Draganchuk did not suffer. She managed to hide so that the killers didn’t find her.
The prosecution initiated criminal proceedings on two articles: art. 105 pt. 2 (a murder of two and more persons) and art. 222 (illegal purchase, transfer, sale or keeping weapons, explosives and ammunition). All police and law-enforcement officials were put on alert and authorities enacted the heightened security modes Interception and Vulcan-5 plan.
About two months ago in the village of Ordzhonikidzevskaya a similar took place. A female teacher Ludmila Terekhina and her two children were shot to death in their own house. The tragedy didn't end there, however. On Jule 18 during the family's burial, a bomb went off injuring 11 people.
Just in July the situation in Ingushetia became aggravated. In the last month series of terrorist acts and assault took place. The extremely unpopular president of the republic Mural Zyazikov was twice an aim of terrorist attempts. On July 21 in Magace unknown people fired from machine-guns and grenade cup discharges on the cortege of the president. The column managed to escape at high gear from the zone of fire and nobody suffered. In the same day a council of the president Vakha Vedzizhev who is said to have been enjoying the special president’s confidence and exerting great influence on Murat Zyazikov, was shot to death. In six days in the very centre of Magas a gunmen fired on the regional Federal Security Service (FSB) directorate’s headquarters. Russian news agencies initially reported that the attackers had also fired at the presidential administration building in Magas, but Ingush Prosecutor Yury Turygin subsequently denied those reports.
In the beginning of August the Interior Ministry sent hundreds of additional troops to Ingushetia, and announced the beginning of the special prophylactic military operation. But the situation got out of control. The criminals haven’t been found. Some policemen reckon that local young people have reinforced troops of militants.
Attacks on police forces happen almost every day. The day before, at 22:30 near the OMON riot police unit position from the direction of the Sunja river a homemade bomb blew up. The day before that in Nazran unknown people machine-gunned the car with two officers of the FSB.
Level of trust confidence in government and military forces in the republic is extremely low, that is promoted by illegal activity of the police. After assaults of militants on Nazran in 2004 series of mopping-up were provided in Ingushetia and the situation in the republic became even tenser. People having been kidnapped by militants miss, others undergo tortures, confess to crimes, name their accomplices who are also arrested and tortured then.
Terror in the Ingushetia Republic is spreading, for example, yesterday in Nazran the police shot to death a 17-years old Islan Garakoev who was a seller in an auto parts store on a market.
According to a young man stood near the road and officers of a mobile troop or FSB (it is not established yet) groundlessly opened a fire and shot him. Then they got out of the car and made several shots the body of the young man. All that happened in presence of multitude people in a very busy place. Eyewitnesses told that the young man was still moving for a long time, but the servicemen did not help him and did not let anybody even to approach the body. As soon as Garakoev died they went away. In some time the father of the killed and local police forces arrived at the place of the crime.
According to the FSB Islam Garakoev was killed during the detention, since he resisted and was armed. It is reported that the police has seized from him a homemade bomb and a gun. The police affirm that Garakoev was a member of a militant group and participated in antipolice activity.
The prosecution supposes that shooting by the family of Draganchuk was a revenge for the murder of Islam Garakoev.
At the same time the president of the Ingushetia republic recently told during his press-conference that reports about assaults and murders in the republic was “an echelon information war”. “If a young man runs over a hen, one will make a loud case of it. There are multitude crimes and fires in neighborhood regions but nobody tells anything about it”, he said. Besides that he claimed that he was not going to retire and said: “I don’t hold on my post but I will serve to the God and our tsar Vladimir Putin during all the allotted term.”